Sessions #1, Intro-5 R's of Healing
Session #2, The Downward Spiral-Road to Despair
Session #3, RESCUE part 1: The Need of the Rescuee
Session #4, RESCUE part 2: The Heart of a Healthy Rescuer
Session #5, REDEEM: Setting the Stage for True Transformation
Session #6, REDEEM pt2: Exchange Process-A Healthier YOU
Session #7, REDEEM cont. - How to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Session #8, REBUILD - Rebuilding on a Solid Foundation
Session #9, REBUILD - Mirror, mirror...Who is the "real" me?
Session #10, REBUILD - Building Joy Capacity
Session #11, RESTORE - Enjoying Restoration-Avoiding Relapse
Session #12, RE-SEND - The Power of the Re-send