Connect3 Ministries (C3M) is a Christian ministry  that creates opportunitites to connect to God, each other and community for the purpose of emotional, spiritual and practical support. 

Meet the Connect 3 Ministries Team     

Beth Ann and Glenn Burns (Founders, Ministry Development, Spiritual Care)  

C3M Executive Board President/Vice-President, Co-Founders   

See below for complete bio.

Dr. Denese Anderson (Licensed Clinical Counselor, Author-Grow Beyond the Pain)

C3M Advisory Board Member

Angie and Jimmy Cash (Marriage Intensive Weekend Instructors, Marriage Coach Trainers)

C3M Advisory Board Members

Allen and Carol Adams (Marriage Workshop Instructor, Marriage Coach Trainers)

C3M Advisory Board Members

Mary Davis

(Nurse Practitioner, Prayer Warrior, Educator)

C3M Advisory Board Member

Karen and Kenny Knox (Certified marriage instructor, author, marriage coaches)

C3M Advisory Board Members

Tena Pate (owner Consulting/Advocacy Firm)

C3M Advisory Board Member

Mark and Deanna Mueller (Missionaries, Conference Speaker, Educator, Music Ministry)

C3M Advisory Board Members


Rick Smith (Finance Expert, Owner Smith Management Group, Inc.)

C3M Executive Board Member-Treasurer/Secretary

Burns' Bio

BETH BURNS is an Ordained Minister and Professional Certified Life Coach with a specialty in relationships, life transitions and soul care.   She has been serving in ministry since 1981.  Her experience includes serving as a Christian school teacher, pastor’s wife, various church functions, non-profit executive director/board president, founder/co-founder of two Christian organizations that help women and folks in crisis, facilitator/founder of various support groups for women, worship leader, musician/songwriter, author, art therapy, speaker, Bible study/support group leader/facilitator, life coach, mentor, marriage coach, spiritual/soul care minster, community liaison, ministry development consultant, and board member.  Beth partners with various Christian ministries/agencies to help provide support, networking and community awareness and currently serves as founder and ministry development at Connect 3 Ministries, ”Connecting to God, Each Other and Community”.  Her passion is to be an ambassador for Christ wherever she goes.  

GLENN BURNS is an ordained minister who has been serving in full-time vocational ministry since 1999.  His experience includes serving as pastor, board member for various organizations, executive director for several ministries including a rescue mission, faith-based non profit organization, prison re-entry, food bank, homeless center and more.  He is co-founder of several faith-based non-profits and specializes as a ministry development consultant to help revive or mentor struggling ministries.   He currently serves as community liaison/spiritual support for Sanctuary Clinics, Marked Men 4 Christ as well as consultant for various ministries with a specialty in men’s ministry and prison re-entry.   He serves as a mentor to men as well as a marriage coach alongside his wife.  Glenn authors a daily devotional social media post that reaches hundreds of individuals including prisoners.  Glenn currently serves as ministry developer and pastor at Connect 3 Ministries,”Connecting to God, Each Other and Community”.  His passion is to make disciples.