Christian Life Coaching/Mentoring

Interested in learning more about obtaining a coach/mentor?   Our experienced coach/mentors are ready to serve you.  

Contact 850-933-1449

Christian Life Coaching  for individuals, groups, married couples, families.

Our Christian Life Coaches helps clients set and reach their goals, maximize their potential, and step more fully into their God-given calling. Finding solutions is a results-oriented systematic progression and although life coaches act as facilitators to help unlock potential and gifting, it is the client who primarily guides the process. In that regard, life coaches aid learning and development through active experiential discovery, more so than merely “teaching” a method or approach. The key here is to understand coaching as a journey that takes place over time through a relational alliance between the life coach, the client, and the Lord. Critical to the outcome is providing a safe and trustworthy environment through an authentic relationship that allows a client to hear from and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in his or her life.

Christian Mentoring for individuals, groups, married couples, families

Our mentors share their knowledge, skills, and experience to help another person to progress personally, professionally, relationally and spiritually. 

Coach/Mentor Tips


(items in blue denote tools that require coach/mentor guidance) 

Conflict is a part of the human experience.   Whether the workplace, home, school or church…it’s inevitable that we will experience differences of opinion, or catch each other on a bad day.  If two parties are willing, the following conflict resolution techniques are helpful.   It takes two, in order for the following to be effective.  Conflict resolution can oftentimes feel uncomfortable, but if addressed in a rational (high brain) method, we can oftentimes grow personally and strengthen our relationships as a result.  Conflict Resolution is when two parties come together to find a workable, peaceful solution to a problem.  

#GOALS  To preserve the relationship, create safety and develop a shared purpose






Discover your apology type  free online assessment click here.  The five apology languages are expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making restitution, genuinely repenting, and requesting forgiveness. The language system was researched and developed by counselor and creator of the love languages Gary Chapman, Ph. D., and psychologist Jennifer Thomas, Ph.


Constructive conflict resolution might look like this:

Unproductive conflict might look like this: